Search Profile: Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator
• Recruit, hire and oversee the professional development of residential staff, including Resident Directors, Resident Assistants, and Engagement Leaders, equipping them with specialized strategies to effectively support a diverse student body. Student Support and Advocacy • Act as a chief advocate for residential students, ensuring their specific needs are addressed and their perspectives are considered in college policies and decision-making processes. • Oversee the conduct process for residential life, ensuring it is fair, transparent, and accommodating to the needs of neurodivergent students. Policy Development and Implementation • Develop and enforce residential life policies that are explicitly designed to be inclusive and accommodate students with learning and attention issues. Community Building and Engagement • Develop and promote community engagement initiatives that bolster student interaction and enhance social connectivity across the residential community. • Implement a tailored roommate mediation process to nurture understanding and develop interpersonal skills among a neurodiverse student population. Crisis Management and Response • Lead and coordinate the response to residential emergencies, providing expert crisis management support in collaboration with other campus services to ensure comprehensive safety and well-being of all students. • Serve as on-call back-up support for elevated issues, providing guidance and decision-making assistance during after-hours and critical situations to ensure student safety and well-being. Assessment and Evaluation • Conduct regular evaluations of the effectiveness of residential programs and services, utilizing feedback from students and staff to inform data-driven enhancements to the residential experience. • Stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in residential education for students with learning and attention issues, and implement innovative ideas to enhance the residential experience.
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SEARCH PROFILE: Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator
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