Search Profile: Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator


The College’s Mission Beacon College has remained true to the mission established in 1989 by its founders to improve higher education opportunities for students with Learning Disabilities, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHA), and other learning differences. Beacon’s Statements of Identity, Vision, and Strategy stand always as an ideal that the Beacon community strives to attain while recognizing that these are ideals that may never be perfectly realized. Our challenge is to narrow the distance between our ideal vision and the reality of Beacon as it exists today. This is a stimulating and worthy challenge – one that asks the best of all who comprise the College community. Our Identity Beacon College is an accredited national institution of higher education with an international reach. The College specializes in the competitive baccalaureate preparation and empowerment of undergraduate students who learn differently. In this arena, Beacon College is the best at “what we do.” Beacon’s Vision Beacon College will be recognized as the premier institution of higher education in the arts and sciences, business, and technology exclusively devoted to the undergraduate preparation of students with specific learning disabilities (LD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and other learning differences. The College is further committed to reaching beyond the traditional campus and undergraduate curriculum to benefit new and expanding audiences for whom Beacon’s mission and expertise may prove valuable.


SEARCH PROFILE: Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator

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