Search Profile: Dean of Students and Title IX Coordinator

residential) students in the fall of 2023. Class sizes customarily do not exceed 15 students; the student/faculty ratio is 13:1. In a “high tech” world, our collegians benefit from instruction and services that are individualized and of the “high touch” variety. Mastery of collegiate content and success in negotiating emerging adulthood are facilitated by the delivery of multi-modal instruction in the classroom coordinated with the “wrap-around” services and support delivered by learning specialists, transition counselors, residential staff, and licensed wellness professionals. The principles of Universal Design in Learning (UDL) pervade the delivery of the Beacon curriculum and surrounding service environment. Beacon was chartered in 1989, founded by a group of visionary educators and parents who recognized that, although talented and ambitious, college-ready students with learning and attention issues were being poorly served by the “traditional” institutions that admitted them. For these collegians, persistence and graduation rates were dismal, repeating the challenges and lost opportunities that were so familiar to them in their K-12 experience.


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