Academic Catalog 2024-2025

Academic Catalog 2024 - 2025

Failing Grade Policy If a student fails (“F” grade) or is awarded a “W”, “WP”, or “WF” in a required course, the student must repeat the course or take an approved equivalent/substitution course and receive a passing grade. No credit will accrue if a student receives an “F” grade. When a student repeats a course or takes an approved equivalent/substitution, both grades will be recorded on the student’s Beacon College academic transcript. However, only the second (repeat) grade will be included in the cumulative grade point average (GPA). The Vice President of Academic Affairs may give approval for a student to repeat a course that the student previously passed. Both grades will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript. However, only the second (repeat) grade will be included in the GPA. Incomplete Grade Policy A student may request an instructor to assign a temporary incomplete grade (I) to a course. Incomplete grades may be given by an instructor only in the following circumstances: • The student initiates the request for an incomplete grade before the end of the academic semester; • The student has completed a major portion of satisfactory work; • An illness or other extenuating circumstance legitimately prevents completion of require work by the due date; • Required work may reasonably be completed in an agreed-upon time frame and does not require the student to repeat any portion of the course that was previously completed and assessed. The instructor and student will discuss the terms for the Incomplete before the final day of scheduled class meetings for the semester. The Incomplete Application Form can be used to document the terms of the Incomplete and should be turned in to the Registrar’s Office by the instructor as a part of the student’s official record. Responsibility for completion of the work rests solely with the student. At the end of the agreed-upon date for course completion, the instructor will complete a Change of Grade Form and forward to the Registrar’s Office. An Incomplete grade not changed to passing grade by the agreed-upon date for course completion or at the latest by the last day of the next academic semester is changed to a failing (“F”) grade automatically and is recorded on the student’s official transcript. Students receiving an Incomplete grade cannot register for the same course again until the course grade is finalized. Reporting Grades Student grades are posted in Jenzabar 1 and can be accessed by students through their student portal. Other academic notices, such as mid-term grades, are also available in the student portal. Students can continuously see their current grade throughout the semester in Canvas. Grade Changes Grade changes are initiated by a course’s instructor of record and are approved by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. A Grade Change Form with the new grade must be submitted within one semester from the close of a grading period. Thereafter, no grade changes may occur. Academic Complaints All academic complaints and final grade appeals must be filed in writing through the Maxient system. The complaint will be routed to the appropriate Department Chair. If the complaint involves a department chair, it will be routed to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


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