Beacon College - Search Profile - Chief Information Officer


Beacon College is a uniquely positioned accredited national institution of higher education with a global reach. Over the past decade, the institution has gained notoriety for its distinct mission: affording a competitive liberal arts-based undergraduate education exclusively to collegians with neurodiverse learning profiles. In recent years, Beacon has broadened its span of influence, innovating with leading edge pre-college transitional programming and carefully engaging in targeted domestic and international partnerships.

Collegians with Learning Disabilities, ADHD, and other learning differences are attracted to our Leesburg, Florida campus from 32 states and 7 countries. These students and their families are drawn to Beacon because of the community’s fidelity to delivering holistically a serious undergraduate curriculum in the arts and sciences, business, and technology. As a consequence, student outcomes for our distinct profile of learners – in the arenas of persistence, four-year graduation, and post degree employment – are unparalleled in American higher education. By design, our traditional undergraduate FTE on campus is kept small, with Beacon achieving its ideal enrollment of 500 (mostly residential) students in the fall of 2022. Class sizes do not exceed 15 students; the student/faculty ratio is 12:1. In a “high tech” world, our collegians benefit from i nstruction and services that are individualized and of the “high touch” variety . Mastery of collegiate content and success in negotiating emerging adulthood are facilitated by the delivery of multi-modal instruction in the classroom coordinated with the “wrap-around” services and support delivered by learning specialists, transition counselors, residential staff, and licensed wellness professionals. The principles of Universal Design in Learning (UDL) pervade the delivery of the Beacon curriculum and surrounding service environment.


SEARCH PROFILE: Chief Information Officer (CIO)

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